Major station
Large station
Medium station
Small station
1 change min.
2 changes min.
Depart from here
Arrive here

Trains from the United Kingdom  Â·  Page 16 

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Carlisle - Perpignan
Kings Lynn - Amiens
Holyhead - St-Pierre-des-Corps
Oxford - Vichy
Carlisle - Caen
Perth - Arnhem
Ipswich Station - Wick
Blackpool - Nevers
Inverness - Limoges
Perth - Tours
Harwich - Angers
Wick - Ipswich Station
Dundee - Sète
Cambridge Station - Gap
Canterbury - Würzburg
Oxford - Cherbourg
Blackpool - Chartres
Hastings - Baden-Baden
Exeter - Lorient
Folkestone - Maastricht
Newport (Essex) - Geneva
Ipswich Station - Foix
York - Aix-les-Bains – Le Revard
Ipswich Station - Pembroke
Ipswich Station - Mâcon TGV
Ipswich Station - De Panne
Ipswich Station - Kufstein
Cambridge Station - Frankfurt (Main) Airport
Shrewsbury - Zwolle
Perth - Limoges
Penzance - Toulon
Pembroke - Ipswich Station
Ipswich Station - Manchester Airport
Exeter - Évreux
Taunton - Metz
Dover - Aix-en-Provence
Manchester Airport - Ipswich Station
Blackpool - Le Creusot TGV
Norwich - Flushing
Norwich - Bourg-en-Bresse
Harwich - Breda
Ipswich Station - Redon
Oxford - Arlon
Shrewsbury - Avignon Centre
Bournemouth - Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Shrewsbury - Mulhouse
Penzance - Angers
Ipswich Station - Remiremont
Bournemouth - Lisieux
Hastings - Niort
Doncaster - Cannes
Peterborough - Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Oxford - Dole
Doncaster - Calais
Bath Spa - Poitiers
Peterborough - Lisieux
Ipswich Station - Guingamp
Bournemouth - Beaune
Bournemouth - Libourne
York - Thonon-les-Bains
Exeter - Blois – Chambord
Chester - Deventer
Kings Lynn - Arnhem
Dundee - Épinal
Blackpool - Gap
Norwich - Brussels-Airport-Zaventem
Doncaster - Béziers
Worcester - Poitiers
Shrewsbury - Namur
Canterbury - Innsbruck
Inverness - Amersfoort
Kings Lynn - Tours
Holyhead - St-Étienne
Peterborough - Libourne
Peterborough - Beaune
Penzance - Breda
Ipswich Station - Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
Norwich - Bayonne
Shrewsbury - Perpignan
Truro - Basel
Blackpool - Frankfurt (Main) Airport
Norwich - Thionville
Hastings - Vannes
Shrewsbury - Caen
Crewe - Zwolle
Totnes - Saarbrücken
Ipswich Station - Oban
Dundee - Wels Hbf
Perth - Amersfoort
Kings Lynn - Limoges
Oban - Ipswich Station
Harwich - Osnabrück
Norwich - Nevers
Crewe - Avignon Centre
Ipswich Station - Évian-les-Bains
Crewe - Mulhouse
Taunton - Maastricht
Ipswich Station - Bourg-St-Maurice
Bournemouth - Cahors
Cambridge Station - Sète
Norwich - Chartres
Hastings - Brive-la-Gaillarde
Folkestone - Ulm
Weymouth - Regensburg
Inverness - Lausanne
Hastings - Arles
Peterborough - Cahors
Oxford - Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Hastings - Châteauroux
Chester - Girona
Ipswich Station - Thurso
Ipswich Station - Windermere
Bournemouth - Agde
Oxford - Lisieux
York - Orange
Dover - Brest
Thurso - Ipswich Station
Windermere - Ipswich Station
Ipswich Station - Quevy
Norwich - Le Creusot TGV
Crewe - Namur
Perth - Lausanne
Peterborough - Agde
Penzance - Osnabrück
Oxford - Libourne
Oxford - Beaune
Crewe - Perpignan
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Grenoble
Crewe - Caen
Dover - Le Mans
Bournemouth - Airport Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle
Exeter - Baden-Baden
Folkestone - Leiden
Weymouth - Besançon
Weymouth - Besançon TGV
York - Vierzon
Kings Lynn - Amersfoort
Bournemouth - Dax
Peterborough - Airport Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle
Totnes - St-Pierre-des-Corps
Ipswich Station - Carentan
Norwich - Gap
Hastings - Charleville-Mézières
Hastings - Montauban
Carlisle - Koblenz
Peterborough - Dax
Cambridge Station - Épinal
Blackpool - Sète
Chester - Siegburg/Bonn
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Dijon
Norwich - Frankfurt (Main) Airport
Hastings - Tarbes
Ipswich Station - Belfort – Montbéliard
Oxford - Cahors
Exeter - Niort
Cambridge Station - Wels Hbf
Bournemouth - Lunéville
Kings Lynn - Lausanne
Harwich - Basel
Oxford - Agde
Taunton - Ulm
Fort William - Saarbrücken
Bournemouth - Forbach
Peterborough - Lunéville
Doncaster - Dunkirk
Folkestone - Bruges
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Salzburg
Peterborough - Forbach
Dover - Amiens
Ipswich Station - Saint-Gervais-les-Bains
Exeter - Vannes
Bath Spa - Pau
Snowdown - Saarbrücken
Ipswich Station - Deauville
Oxford - Airport Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle
Stratford International - Würzburg
Ipswich Station - Montbard
Blackpool - Épinal
Oxford - Dax
York - Annemasse
York - Rodez
Worcester - Pau
Canterbury - Regensburg
Penzance - Basel
Totnes - St-Étienne
Taunton - Leiden
Ipswich Station - Dol-de-Bretagne
Bournemouth - Sedan
Hastings - Narbonne
Exeter - Brive-la-Gaillarde
Blackpool - Wels Hbf
Hastings - St-Malo
Exeter - Arles
Shrewsbury - Koblenz
Newport (Essex) - Saarbrücken
Peterborough - Sedan
Hastings - Passau
Exeter - Châteauroux
Ipswich Station - Fishguard & Goodwick
Hastings - Laval
Hastings - Hyères
Llandudno Junction - Toulon
Fishguard & Goodwick - Ipswich Station
Dundee - Montélimar
Dundee - St. Pölten Hbf
Norwich - Sète
Oxford - Lunéville
Dundee - Mâcon
Carlisle - Nancy
Canterbury - Besançon
Canterbury - Besançon TGV
Fort William - St-Pierre-des-Corps
Oxford - Forbach
Llandudno Junction - Angers
Ipswich Station - Le Croisic
Stratford International - Innsbruck
Dover - Arnhem
Dover - Tours
York - Épernay
Snowdown - St-Pierre-des-Corps
York - Vichy
Exeter - Charleville-Mézières
Exeter - Montauban
Taunton - Bruges
Ipswich Station - Veynes – Dévoluy
Ipswich Station - Pwllheli
Dundee - Aurillac
Hastings - Angoulême
Crewe - Koblenz
Dover - Limoges
Llandudno Junction - Breda
Pwllheli - Ipswich Station
Ipswich Station - Blaenau Ffestiniog
York - Cherbourg
Exeter - Tarbes
Blaenau Ffestiniog - Ipswich Station
Ipswich Station - Souillac
Ipswich Station - Conwy
Oxford - Sedan
Folkestone - Orléans
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Nîmes Centre
Conwy - Ipswich Station
Dundee - Agen
Norwich - Épinal
Hastings - Annecy
Doncaster - Ostend
Newport (Essex) - St-Pierre-des-Corps
York - Arlon
Dundee - Vernon – Giverny
Norwich - Wels Hbf
Ipswich Station - Airport Lyon St-Exupéry TGV
Fort William - St-Étienne
Ipswich Station - Collioure
York - Dole
Dundee - Knokke
Ipswich Station - Uzerche
Ipswich Station - Vallorbe
Chester - Leeuwarden
Shrewsbury - Nancy
Ipswich Station - Porthmadog
Cambridge Station - St. Pölten Hbf
Cambridge Station - Montélimar
Porthmadog - Ipswich Station
Cambridge Station - Mâcon
Llandudno Junction - Osnabrück
Snowdown - St-Étienne
Doncaster - Bourges
Weymouth - Metz
Dover - Amersfoort
Truro - Grenoble
Hastings - Figueres - Vilafant
Exeter - Narbonne
Inverness - Würzburg
Bournemouth - Facture – Biganos
Bournemouth - La Baule
Dundee - Saumur
Dundee - Biarritz
Exeter - St-Malo
Exeter - Passau
Carlisle - Hengelo
Peterborough - Facture – Biganos
Peterborough - La Baule
Exeter - Laval
Exeter - Hyères
Bournemouth - Morlaix
Perth - Würzburg
Newport (Essex) - St-Étienne
Truro - Dijon
Peterborough - Morlaix
Cambridge Station - Aurillac
Taunton - Orléans
Dundee - Aix-les-Bains – Le Revard
Dover - Lausanne
York - Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Hastings - Chalon-sur-Saône
Crewe - Nancy
York - Lisieux
Cambridge Station - Agen
Blackpool - St. Pölten Hbf
Blackpool - Montélimar
Ipswich Station - Frasne
Blackpool - Mâcon
Hastings - Arras
Ipswich Station - Cerbère
Hastings - Boulogne-sur-Mer
Carlisle - Valence Ville
Ipswich Station - Ax-les-Thermes
Ipswich Station - Mouchard
York - Beaune
York - Libourne
Chester - Avignon
Inverness - Innsbruck
Cambridge Station - Vernon – Giverny
Exeter - Angoulême
Bath Spa - St-Brieuc
Truro - Salzburg
Carlisle - Venlo
Weymouth - Maastricht
Stratford International - Regensburg
Holyhead - Toulon
Cambridge Station - Knokke
Oxford - Facture – Biganos
Oxford - La Baule
Dundee - Thonon-les-Bains
Exeter - Annecy
Worcester - St-Brieuc
Perth - Innsbruck
Kings Lynn - Würzburg
Bournemouth - Les Sables-d’Olonne
Blackpool - Aurillac
Bath Spa - Roosendaal
Llandudno Junction - Basel
Holyhead - Angers
Ipswich Station - Mallaig
Bournemouth - Bayeux
Bournemouth - Gien
Oxford - Morlaix
Shrewsbury - Hengelo
Mallaig - Ipswich Station
Ipswich Station - Kyle of Lochalsh
Ipswich Station - Enveitg
Peterborough - Les Sables-d’Olonne
Bath Spa - Mechelen
Carlisle - Leuven
Kyle of Lochalsh - Ipswich Station
Bournemouth - Lourdes
Peterborough - Gien
Peterborough - Bayeux
York - Cahors
Cambridge Station - Saumur
Cambridge Station - Biarritz
Blackpool - Agen
Worcester - Roosendaal
Stratford International - Besançon
Stratford International - Besançon TGV
Harwich - Grenoble
Peterborough - Lourdes
Worcester - Mechelen
Bournemouth - Bad Bentheim
York - Agde
Canterbury - Metz
Holyhead - Breda
Blackpool - Vernon – Giverny
Doncaster - Colmar
Peterborough - Bad Bentheim
Ipswich Station - Düsseldorf Airport
Cambridge Station - Aix-les-Bains – Le Revard
Blackpool - Knokke
Exeter - Figueres - Vilafant
Bath Spa - La Rochelle
Dundee - Orange
Norwich - St. Pölten Hbf
Norwich - Montélimar
Hastings - Flushing
Hastings - Bourg-en-Bresse
Bath Spa - Luxembourg
Shrewsbury - Valence Ville
Harwich - Dijon
York - Airport Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle
Norwich - Mâcon
Kings Lynn - Innsbruck
Bath Spa - Rheine
Worcester - La Rochelle
Chester - St-Raphaël – Valescure
Penzance - Grenoble
York - Dax
Worcester - Luxembourg
Shrewsbury - Venlo
Crewe - Hengelo
Oxford - Les Sables-d’Olonne
Blackpool - Saumur
Blackpool - Biarritz
Worcester - Rheine
Folkestone - Zwolle
Weymouth - Ulm
Oxford - Bayeux
Oxford - Gien
Dundee - Vierzon
Bournemouth - Hendaye
Hastings - Brussels-Airport-Zaventem
Exeter - Chalon-sur-Saône
Truro - Nîmes Centre
Oxford - Lourdes
Cambridge Station - Thonon-les-Bains
Folkestone - Avignon Centre
Harwich - Salzburg
Penzance - Dijon
Holyhead - Osnabrück
Peterborough - Hendaye
Norwich - Aurillac
Hastings - Bayonne
Exeter - Arras
Shrewsbury - Leuven
Folkestone - Mulhouse
York - Lunéville
Hastings - Thionville
Exeter - Boulogne-sur-Mer
Oxford - Bad Bentheim
Blackpool - Aix-les-Bains – Le Revard
Canterbury - Maastricht
York - Forbach
Norwich - Agen
Doncaster - Valence
Crewe - Valence Ville
Bournemouth - Wörgl
Hastings - Nevers
Doncaster - Quimper
Weymouth - Leiden
Folkestone - Namur
Peterborough - Wörgl
Hastings - Chartres
Carlisle - Tourcoing
Crewe - Venlo
Norwich - Vernon – Giverny
Folkestone - Perpignan
Penzance - Salzburg
Folkestone - Caen
Inverness - Regensburg
Norwich - Knokke
Bournemouth - Newhaven
Hastings - Le Creusot TGV
Newhaven - Bournemouth
Totnes - Toulon
York - Sedan
Cambridge Station - Orange
Blackpool - Thonon-les-Bains
Peterborough - Newhaven
Crewe - Leuven
Perth - Regensburg
Newhaven - Peterborough
Oxford - Hendaye
Dundee - Annemasse
Dundee - Rodez
Bath Spa - Cannes
Chester - Poitiers
Bath Spa - Calais
Taunton - Zwolle
Totnes - Angers
Bournemouth - Amboise
Norwich - Saumur
Norwich - Biarritz
Worcester - Cannes
Weymouth - Bruges
Inverness - Besançon TGV
Inverness - Besançon
Peterborough - Amboise
Cambridge Station - Vierzon
Hastings - Gap
Bath Spa - Béziers
Worcester - Calais
Taunton - Avignon Centre
Exeter - Bourg-en-Bresse
Exeter - Flushing
Taunton - Mulhouse
Bournemouth - Arcachon
Oxford - Wörgl
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Nîmes
Holyhead - Basel
Hastings - Frankfurt (Main) Airport
Worcester - Béziers
Carlisle - Deventer
Perth - Besançon TGV
Perth - Besançon
Totnes - Breda
Peterborough - Arcachon
Norwich - Aix-les-Bains – Le Revard
Canterbury - Ulm
Harwich - Nîmes Centre
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Clermont-Ferrand
Blackpool - Orange
Shrewsbury - Tourcoing
Taunton - Namur
Dover - Würzburg
Bournemouth - Bellegarde-sur-Valserine
Oxford - Newhaven
Dundee - Épernay
Exeter - Brussels-Airport-Zaventem
Taunton - Perpignan
Kings Lynn - Regensburg
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Haarlem
Newhaven - Oxford
Bournemouth - Briançon
Dundee - Vichy
Doncaster - Chambéry
Taunton - Caen
Bournemouth - Figeac
Peterborough - Bellegarde-sur-Valserine
Exeter - Bayonne
Peterborough - Briançon
Exeter - Thionville
Peterborough - Figeac
Dundee - Cherbourg
Blackpool - Vierzon
Canterbury - Leiden
Penzance - Nîmes Centre
Oxford - Amboise
Norwich - Thonon-les-Bains
Stratford International - Metz
Exeter - Nevers
Carlisle - Girona
Bournemouth - Jeumont
Totnes - Osnabrück
Cambridge Station - Annemasse
Cambridge Station - Rodez
Exeter - Chartres
Kings Lynn - Besançon TGV
Kings Lynn - Besançon
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Aix-en-Provence
Fort William - Toulon
Peterborough - Jeumont
Oxford - Arcachon
Dundee - Arlon
Doncaster - Troyes
Crewe - Tourcoing
Dover - Innsbruck
Dundee - Dole
Hastings - Sète
Exeter - Le Creusot TGV
Shrewsbury - Deventer
Fort William - Angers
Snowdown - Toulon
Weymouth - Orléans
York - Facture – Biganos
York - La Baule
Cambridge Station - Newcastle Airport
Newcastle Airport - Cambridge Station
Bournemouth - Wick
Oxford - Bellegarde-sur-Valserine
Doncaster - Rosenheim
Llandudno Junction - Grenoble
Wick - Bournemouth
Oxford - Briançon
Carlisle - Siegburg/Bonn
Folkestone - Koblenz
Canterbury - Bruges
Snowdown - Angers
Peterborough - Wick
Oxford - Figeac
York - Morlaix
Norwich - Orange
Wick - Peterborough
Bournemouth - Foix
Fort William - Breda
Newport (Essex) - Toulon
Bournemouth - Mâcon TGV
Bournemouth - Kufstein
Bournemouth - De Panne
Exeter - Gap
Peterborough - Foix
Cambridge Station - Épernay
Blackpool - Annemasse
Blackpool - Rodez
Bath Spa - Dunkirk
Stratford International - Maastricht
Peterborough - Kufstein
Peterborough - De Panne
Peterborough - Mâcon TGV
Cambridge Station - Vichy
Doncaster - Den Helder
Chester - Pau
Llandudno Junction - Dijon
Bournemouth - Redon
Oxford - Jeumont
Exeter - Frankfurt (Main) Airport
Snowdown - Breda
Newport (Essex) - Angers
Norwich - Vierzon
Doncaster - La Roche-sur-Yon
Worcester - Dunkirk
Shrewsbury - Girona
Bournemouth - Remiremont
Peterborough - Redon
Cambridge Station - Cherbourg
Hastings - Épinal
Crewe - Deventer
Dundee - Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Doncaster - Offenburg
Peterborough - Remiremont
Dundee - Lisieux
Blackpool - Newcastle Airport
Newcastle Airport - Blackpool
Bournemouth - Guingamp
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Brest
Totnes - Basel
Hastings - Wels Hbf
Newport (Essex) - Breda
Peterborough - Guingamp
Dundee - Beaune
Dundee - Libourne
Cambridge Station - Arlon
Llandudno Junction - Salzburg
Bournemouth - Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
Oxford - Wick
Wick - Oxford
Fort William - Osnabrück
York - Les Sables-d’Olonne
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Le Mans
Bournemouth - Oban
Peterborough - Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
York - Gien
York - Bayeux
Cambridge Station - Dole
Blackpool - Épernay
Oban - Bournemouth
Oxford - Foix
Blackpool - Vichy
Shrewsbury - Siegburg/Bonn
Oxford - Mâcon TGV
Oxford - Kufstein
Oxford - De Panne
York - Lourdes
Taunton - Koblenz
Snowdown - Osnabrück
Bournemouth - Évian-les-Bains
Crewe - Girona
Bournemouth - Bourg-St-Maurice
Blackpool - Cherbourg
Doncaster - Lorient
Inverness - Metz
Peterborough - Évian-les-Bains
Oxford - Redon
York - Bad Bentheim
Peterborough - Bourg-St-Maurice
Dundee - Cahors
Folkestone - Nancy
Canterbury - Orléans
Bournemouth - Thurso
Oxford - Remiremont
Norwich - Annemasse
Norwich - Rodez
Exeter - Sète
Doncaster - Évreux
Stratford International - Ulm
Thurso - Bournemouth
Bournemouth - Quevy
Perth - Metz
Newport (Essex) - Osnabrück
Peterborough - Thurso
Dundee - Agde
Blackpool - Arlon
Truro - Nîmes
Thurso - Peterborough
Peterborough - Quevy
Oxford - Guingamp
Bath Spa - Ostend
Blackpool - Dole
Dover - Regensburg
Truro - Clermont-Ferrand
Oxford - Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
Cambridge Station - Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Norwich - Newcastle Airport
Crewe - Siegburg/Bonn
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Amiens
Newcastle Airport - Norwich
Dundee - Airport Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle
Cambridge Station - Lisieux
Doncaster - Blois – Chambord
Worcester - Ostend
Bournemouth - Carentan
Oxford - Oban
Stratford International - Leiden
Truro - Haarlem
Oban - Oxford
York - Hendaye
Dundee - Dax
Peterborough - Carentan
Cambridge Station - Beaune
Cambridge Station - Libourne
Oxford - Évian-les-Bains
Fort William - Basel
Bournemouth - Belfort – Montbéliard
Oxford - Bourg-St-Maurice
Norwich - Épernay
Exeter - Épinal
Inverness - Maastricht
Llandudno Junction - Nîmes Centre
Norwich - Vichy
Dover - Besançon
Dover - Besançon TGV
Peterborough - Belfort – Montbéliard
Bath Spa - Bourges
Kings Lynn - Metz
Holyhead - Grenoble
Oxford - Thurso
York - Wörgl
Carlisle - Leeuwarden
Thurso - Oxford
Snowdown - Basel
Oxford - Quevy
Dundee - Lunéville
Norwich - Cherbourg
Exeter - Wels Hbf
Perth - Maastricht
Truro - Aix-en-Provence
Worcester - Bourges
Taunton - Nancy
Dundee - Forbach
Blackpool - Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Bournemouth - Saint-Gervais-les-Bains
Cambridge Station - Cahors
Blackpool - Lisieux
Weymouth - Zwolle
Bournemouth - Deauville
Stratford International - Bruges
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Arnhem
Holyhead - Dijon
Bournemouth - Montbard
Peterborough - Saint-Gervais-les-Bains
York - Newhaven
Norwich - Arlon
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Tours
Newhaven - York
Newport (Essex) - Basel
Peterborough - Deauville
Cambridge Station - Agde
Blackpool - Beaune
Blackpool - Libourne
Folkestone - Hengelo
Weymouth - Avignon Centre
Peterborough - Montbard
Oxford - Carentan
Weymouth - Mulhouse
Bournemouth - Dol-de-Bretagne
Norwich - Dole
Hastings - St. Pölten Hbf
Hastings - Montélimar
Doncaster - Baden-Baden
Hastings - Mâcon
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Limoges
Harwich - Nîmes
Peterborough - Dol-de-Bretagne
York - Amboise
Dundee - Sedan
Bournemouth - Fishguard & Goodwick
Oxford - Belfort – Montbéliard
Cambridge Station - Airport Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle
Chester - St-Brieuc
Fishguard & Goodwick - Bournemouth
Weymouth - Namur
Harwich - Clermont-Ferrand
Holyhead - Salzburg
Peterborough - Fishguard & Goodwick
Cambridge Station - Dax
Kings Lynn - Maastricht
Fishguard & Goodwick - Peterborough
York - Arcachon
Weymouth - Perpignan
Blackpool - Cahors
Doncaster - Niort
Carlisle - Avignon
Folkestone - Valence Ville
Weymouth - Caen
Inverness - Ulm
Harwich - Haarlem
Bournemouth - Le Croisic
Chester - Roosendaal
Shrewsbury - Leeuwarden
Hastings - Aurillac
Penzance - Nîmes
Peterborough - Le Croisic
Oxford - Saint-Gervais-les-Bains
Blackpool - Agde
Chester - Mechelen
Folkestone - Venlo
Oxford - Deauville
Perth - Ulm
Truro - Brest
Bournemouth - Veynes – Dévoluy
Oxford - Montbard
York - Bellegarde-sur-Valserine
Cambridge Station - Lunéville
Hastings - Agen
Penzance - Clermont-Ferrand
York - Briançon
Norwich - Saint-Dié-des-Vosges
Bournemouth - Blaenau Ffestiniog
Peterborough - Veynes – Dévoluy
York - Figeac
Cambridge Station - Forbach
Norwich - Lisieux
Doncaster - Vannes
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Amersfoort
Blaenau Ffestiniog - Bournemouth
Bournemouth - Souillac
Oxford - Dol-de-Bretagne
Blackpool - Airport Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle
Inverness - Leiden
Truro - Le Mans
Harwich - Aix-en-Provence
Penzance - Haarlem
Peterborough - Blaenau Ffestiniog
Hastings - Vernon – Giverny
Bath Spa - Colmar
Folkestone - Leuven
Taunton - Hengelo
Blaenau Ffestiniog - Peterborough
Peterborough - Souillac
Blackpool - Dax
Norwich - Beaune
Norwich - Libourne
Chester - La Rochelle
Oxford - Fishguard & Goodwick
Hastings - Knokke
Chester - Luxembourg
Stratford International - Orléans
Fishguard & Goodwick - Oxford
York - Jeumont
Doncaster - Brive-la-Gaillarde
Worcester - Colmar
Perth - Leiden
Doncaster - Arles
Chester - Rheine
Crewe - Leeuwarden
Canterbury - Zwolle
Bournemouth - Airport Lyon St-Exupéry TGV
Doncaster - Châteauroux
Bournemouth - Collioure
Cambridge Station - Sedan
Bangor (Gwynedd) - Lausanne
Bournemouth - Uzerche
Bournemouth - Vallorbe
Peterborough - Airport Lyon St-Exupéry TGV
Oxford - Le Croisic
Canterbury - Avignon Centre
Penzance - Aix-en-Provence
Totnes - Grenoble
Peterborough - Collioure
Blackpool - Lunéville
Hastings - Saumur
Hastings - Biarritz
Shrewsbury - Avignon
Canterbury - Mulhouse
Kings Lynn - Ulm
Peterborough - Vallorbe
Peterborough - Uzerche
Carlisle - St-Raphaël – Valescure
Taunton - Valence Ville
Blackpool - Forbach
Norwich - Cahors
Holyhead - Nîmes Centre
Oxford - Veynes – Dévoluy
Exeter - St. Pölten Hbf
Exeter - Montélimar
Inverness - Bruges
Exeter - Mâcon
Taunton - Venlo
Oxford - Blaenau Ffestiniog
Norwich - Agde
Canterbury - Namur
Truro - Amiens
Totnes - Dijon
Blaenau Ffestiniog - Oxford
Oxford - Souillac
York - Foix
Dundee - La Baule
Dundee - Facture – Biganos
Hastings - Aix-les-Bains – Le Revard
Doncaster - Charleville-Mézières
Doncaster - Montauban
York - De Panne
York - Kufstein
York - Mâcon TGV
Bath Spa - Valence
Canterbury - Perpignan
Perth - Bruges
Bath Spa - Quimper
Canterbury - Caen
Kings Lynn - Leiden
Dundee - Morlaix
Doncaster - Tarbes
York - Redon
Blackpool - Sedan
Norwich - Airport Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle
Worcester - Valence
Taunton - Leuven
Dover - Metz
Harwich - Brest
Worcester - Quimper
Oxford - Airport Lyon St-Exupéry TGV
York - Remiremont
Norwich - Dax
Exeter - Aurillac
Crewe - Avignon
Bournemouth - Frasne
Oxford - Collioure
Totnes - Salzburg
Bournemouth - Cerbère
Oxford - Uzerche
Oxford - Vallorbe
Harwich - Le Mans
Bournemouth - Mouchard
Bournemouth - Ax-les-Thermes
Peterborough - Frasne
York - Guingamp
Hastings - Thonon-les-Bains
Exeter - Agen
Folkestone - Tourcoing
Peterborough - Cerbère
Chester - Cannes
Weymouth - Koblenz
Peterborough - Ax-les-Thermes
Peterborough - Mouchard
Chester - Calais
York - Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
Shrewsbury - St-Raphaël – Valescure
Penzance - Brest
Norwich - Lunéville
Exeter - Vernon – Giverny
Truro - Arnhem
Chester - Béziers
Kings Lynn - Bruges
Truro - Tours
Norwich - Forbach
Exeter - Knokke
Carlisle - Poitiers
Bournemouth - Mallaig
Doncaster - Narbonne
Penzance - Le Mans
Fort William - Grenoble
Mallaig - Bournemouth
Bournemouth - Enveitg
Bournemouth - Kyle of Lochalsh
York - Évian-les-Bains
Dundee - Les Sables-d’Olonne
Doncaster - St-Malo
Kyle of Lochalsh - Bournemouth
York - Bourg-St-Maurice
Dundee - Gien
Dundee - Bayeux
Doncaster - Passau
Truro - Limoges
Peterborough - Kyle of Lochalsh
Peterborough - Enveitg
Doncaster - Laval
Doncaster - Hyères
Inverness - Orléans
Dover - Maastricht
Kyle of Lochalsh - Peterborough
Dundee - Lourdes
Cambridge Station - La Baule
Cambridge Station - Facture – Biganos
Snowdown - Grenoble
Hastings - Orange
Exeter - Biarritz
Exeter - Saumur
Oxford - Frasne
York - Quevy
Harwich - Amiens
Fort William - Dijon
Oxford - Cerbère
Dundee - Bad Bentheim
Cambridge Station - Morlaix
Norwich - Sedan
Folkestone - Deventer
Perth - Orléans
Bournemouth - Düsseldorf Airport
Oxford - Ax-les-Thermes
Oxford - Mouchard
Bath Spa - Chambéry
Crewe - St-Raphaël – Valescure
Peterborough - Düsseldorf Airport
Llandudno Junction - Nîmes
Snowdown - Dijon
Newport (Essex) - Grenoble
Hastings - Vierzon
Exeter - Aix-les-Bains – Le Revard
Worcester - Chambéry
Taunton - Tourcoing
York - Carentan
Doncaster - Angoulême
Llandudno Junction - Clermont-Ferrand
Totnes - Nîmes Centre
Penzance - Amiens
Fort William - Salzburg
Oxford - Mallaig
Truro - Amersfoort
Mallaig - Oxford
Oxford - Kyle of Lochalsh
Oxford - Enveitg
Blackpool - Facture – Biganos
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